UK and South Korea Data Driven Urban Innovation Bi-Lateral

UK registered businesses can apply for a share of up to £1 million for CR&D projects with South Korea in this competition. The UK funding is from Innovate UK


Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, will invest up to £4 million across the 2 Phases of this competition. Innovate UK will work with the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) who will match the UK funding to support the South Korean partners.

This is a two phase bi-lateral collaborative research and development (CR&D) competition.

The aim of this competition is to fund business led, collaborative research and development (CR&D) projects which link activities in the UK and South Korea.

Projects must focus on exploring the potential of proposed data driven innovations in cities that will deliver positive impact around key urban issues.

This competition has four themes and you must select the theme you are focused on. If your proposed solution falls outside of the first three themes, or significantly cuts across those three theme areas, you must select theme 4.


  1. Mobility Innovation Solutions.
  2. Disaster Management Solutions.
  3. Net-Zero Energy Optimisation Solutions.
  4. Other Data-centric Innovative Solutions.

In this phase 1 competition, £1 million is available to fund UK organisations undertaking collaborative feasibility projects of up to eight months. South Korea is investing an equivalent amount to fund South Korean participants.

Projects which have successfully participated in phase 1, may be invited by Innovate UK, to apply into phase 2 of this competition.

During phase 2, your project must be collaborative and enhance your innovation with improvements through comprehensive testing and iteration in real or representative settings. You must work with potential future customers and users.

Phase 2 projects will be up to two years and the results must be commercialised at the end of phase 2.

UK registered businesses must collaborate with at least one South Korean non-linked registered business applying under the equivalent KAIA programme.

UK registered organisations must apply through the Innovation Funding Service (IFS) portal to Innovate UK.

Your South Korean partner will not receive any funding from Innovate UK.

South Korean partners must apply to, and will be funded by, KAIA for the South Korean component of the project set out in this application.

In applying to this competition, you are entering into a competitive process. This competition has a funding limit, so we may not be able to fund all the proposed projects. It may be the case that your project scores highly but we are still unable to fund it.

This competition closes at 11am UK time on the deadline stated in this Innovate UK competition brief. We cannot guarantee other government or third party sites will always show the correct competition information.

The project must be independently selected by both Innovate UK and South Korea to be awarded funding.

Specific themes

This competition has four themes and you must select the theme you are focused on. If your proposed solution falls outside of the first three themes, or significantly cuts across those three theme areas, you must select theme 4.


  1. Mobility Innovation Solutions.
  2. Disaster Management Solutions.
  3. Net-Zero Energy Optimisation Solutions.
  4. Other Data-centric Innovative Solutions.

Background and further information

Places all face the same basic set of underlying challenges, for example, transport, energy, heating, housing, jobs. By linking international innovators who are solving similar challenges slightly differently, it can help build more robust and resilient solutions that can manage a wider range of operating conditions. This improves their effectiveness and opens wider market opportunities elsewhere to sell into.

In this programme, Innovate UK is working with the Korean Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) to establish and enhance collaborations between UK and South Korean projects to the benefit of all participants.

KAIA is the Korean Government agency responsible for advancing and promoting infrastructure technology development.

Data sharing

This competition is jointly operated by Innovate UK, and the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) (each an “agency”).

Any relevant information submitted and produced during the application process concerning your application can be shared by one agency with the other, for its individual storage, processing and use.

This means that any information given to or generated by Innovate UK in respect of your application may be passed on to KAIA and vice versa. This would include, but is not restricted to:

  • the information stated on the application, including the personal details of all applicants
  • scoring and feedback on the application
  • information received during the management and administration of the grant, such as Monitoring Officer reports and Independent Accountant Reports

Innovate UK and the KAIA are directly accountable to you for their holding and processing of your information, including any personal data and confidential information. Data is held in accordance with their own policies. Accordingly, Innovate UK, and the KAIA will be data controllers for personal data submitted during the application.

Innovate UK’s Privacy Policy

Innovate UK complies with the requirements of UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, and is committed to upholding data protection legislation, and protecting your information in accordance with data protection principles.

The Information Commissioner’s Office also has a useful guide for organisations, which outlines the data protection principles.

KAIA : R&D Plan

KAIA : Korea Research Consortium

UK : Paetner

Ministry of Land, Open The K-UAM Grand Challenge-1 Korea

Open The K-UAMGrand Challenge-1, Korea

FineVT Robotics LAB Traffic Management R&D Team.
R&S, ANRA Technologies, ARX, WeGoes

UAM airborne network measurement device developed by FineVT Robotics LAB(eVTOL) and Rohde & Schwarz Korea

K-UAM grand challenge

FineVT Robotics LAB


Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport begins full-scale use of K-UAM GC-2 aerial guidance as a demonstration project in preparation for UAM commercialization in 2025

The aerial map dedicated to UAM reflects the metropolitan area route where the second-stage UAM demonstration project will be carried out, major obstacles such as high-voltage lines and steel towers, flight restrictions and prohibited areas, and building height information.

The front of the map contains seven vertiports (vertical take-off and landing pads) in the metropolitan area and the entire verification route, and the back of the map enlarges the three routes, Ara Waterway, Han River, and Tancheon, so that detailed routes can be seen.

Last June, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport formed a ‘National Design Team’ involving the Ministry of National Defense, local governments, and the private sector and has been promoting the production of customized aerial maps.

User opinions were fully reflected in terms of information, color, and design, and the optimal map scale was applied to improve the visibility, readability, and completeness of the map.

Currently, the first phase of the Korean UAM demonstration project is underway in Goheung, Jeollanam-do.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport plans to begin the second stage of verification in the metropolitan area from July next year after verifying UAM technology in non-urban areas.

Starting today, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport plans to sequentially distribute 300 UAM-specific aerial maps to organizations such as the Ministry of National Defense, local governments, and the Korea Drone Utilization Association, and allow anyone to download them through the integrated aviation information management system to utilize them in the second stage of the demonstration project.

SKT develops commercial network technology for the UAM era. Quality measurement using FineVT Robotics LAB’s eVTOL and Rohde & Schwarz instruments

SK Telecom [017670] announced on the 31st that it had developed an integrated solution and simulator for real/prediction and analysis of the communication quality of commercial networks for urban air traffic (UAM).

The integrated solution developed this time utilizes a drone with a communication environment similar to that of a UAM aircraft flying over urban, semi-urban, and touristic routes at an operating altitude of 300 to 600 m and a cruising speed of 100 to 150 km per hour. to measure

The air network quality data measured by the drone can be displayed in real time using an analysis tool, and the measurement results can be visualized in maps, graphs, and charts, the company said.

It was developed to accurately evaluate the communication service quality of the commercial network by applying scenarios in which UAM passengers use smart devices such as calls, social media, and videos.

The commercial network communication quality prediction simulator jointly developed can analyze the effects of various factors that change communication quality, such as flight path and altitude setting, antenna height, upward tilt, directing angle, and beam pattern, so that the air quality can be improved in consideration of realistic constraints. It can be used to calculate network investment costs and derive optimal design methods.

The commercial network communication quality analysis integrated solution and prediction simulator for UAM developed by SKT are organically integrated and operated.

In addition, SKT is developing various related technologies such as a dedicated antenna, upward tilt, beam pattern optimization technology, and handover technology for UAM aircraft to improve the quality of communication over the air network for UAM.

Previously, SKT invested $100 million in Joby [001550] Aviation, a global UAM aircraft manufacturer, and is discussing mutual collaboration with this company.

“We will do our best to develop key technologies for future 6G evolution as well as 5G so that UAM can become a stable means of transportation for customers in the future,” said Jung-hwan Ryu, head of SKT Infrastructure Strategic Technology CT (Vice President).

MADEX 2023 : Navy SEA Ghost – ISR UAV | FFW H2(Hydrogen) eVTOL BVLOS Platform Series

Exhibition Overview

The new BVLOS eVTOL FFW-025E mk3, a newly developed marine battery type, was released to domestic and foreign officials and received favorable reviews.
By standardizing the system protocol of major parts and modularizing parts, the operation ability and maintenance support for users of our products have been easily improved.

  1. Cryptographic module: KCMVP module with Quantum Cryptography Applied
  2. LEO-SAT data link: Miniaturized Low-Orbit Satellite support Communication Data Link Module
  3. Ai: Image Improvement Solution and Object Detection Analysis Automation Solution Module
  4. Smart Battery Pack: Stable operation in extreme environments with BMS-Applied Smart Batteries
  5. Autonomous Flight: Autonomous Flight Platform Module (Sensor + S/W) Capable of Automatic Collision Avoidance for BVLOS

Floor Plan

TitleMADEX 2023(International Maritime Defense Industry Exhibition)
Period7(Wed.) ~ 9(Fri.) JUNE 2023
VenueBEXCO Exhibition CenterⅠ, BUSAN, KOREA
OrganizationRepublic of Korea Navy, Republic of Korea Marine Corps, Busan Metropolitan City,
Korea International Trade Association, Association of the R.O.K. Navy,
Busan Marine Equipment Association, Kyungyon Exhibition Corp., BEXCO
CertificationInt’l Certified Exhibition (AKEI)

Exhibits Profile

  • Naval Ships, Maritime Defense Systems & Equipment
  • Military Supplies
  • Marine Equipment, Research Vessels & Special Purpose Ships
  • Marine Safety Equipment
  • Marine Defense Industry Products
  • Communication Systems & Equipment
  • Engines & Navigation Systems
  • Marine Rescue and Search Equipment
  • Shipyards, Shipbuilding Equipment
  • Naval Aviation
  • Marine Security Systems & Equipment
  • GPS, GIS & IT
  • Land Defense, Training System

Seminar & Events

  • Business Meeting with Overseas Navy Delegations
  • On-board Reception
  • Naval Ship Technology & Weapon Systems Seminar
  • Open-ship to Public
  • Performance of ROKN Band & Guard of Hono

MOLIT : K-UAM Grand Challenge -1 Agreement Ceremony

On the morning of February 22, 2023, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, the 2nd Vice Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Myeong-so Eo and consortium participants are taking a commemorative photo at the first stage agreement ceremony for the Korean urban air transportation demonstration project ‘K-UAM Grand Challenge’ held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Yongsan-gu, Seoul.

Large corporations such as Hyundai Motor Company, KT, Korean Air, SKT, Kakao Mobility, and Lotte cast their votes for the first urban air transportation (UAM) demonstration in Korea. The government plans to begin UAM urban demonstration next year and commercialize it by 2025.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport will sign an agreement with companies participating in the first phase of the Korean urban air transportation demonstration project (K-UAM Grand Challenge) at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Seoul on the 22nd.

At this agreement ceremony, Eo Myung-so, the 2nd Vice Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the head of the Korea Aerospace Research Institute, the host organization, representatives of the 7 consortiums participating in the integrated operation demonstration (aviation, traffic management, and vertiport) leading companies, and 5 participating in the single field demonstration Representatives of host companies from consortiums and companies participate.

Demonstrating K-UAM Working with 46 Companies

On February 22 (KST), The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister WON Hee-ryong) announced that it had an agreement ceremony with companies participating in the first phase of the Korean Urban Air Mobility Demonstration Project (K-UAM Grand Challenge)

The agreement signifies that each consortium and company has completed the preparation for the demonstration, including determining the specific demonstration period and airframe used.

The Grand Challenge is being promoted for the first time in the world by establishing a traffic management system using commercial communication networks such as 5G, establishing an integrated operation system based on the premise of commercialization, and using a virtual integrated operation simulator.

K-UAM Grand Challenge Participating Institutions are

▲(Korean Air/Incheon Airport Consortium): Korean Air (Operation), Incheon International Airport Corporation (Traffic Management/Vertiport)

▲(UAMitra): UAM Association (Aviation), Davo E&C (Traffic management), Drone System (Vertiport), etc. ▲(Hyundai MotorㆍKT Consortium): Hyundai Motor (Operation), KT (Traffic Management), Hyundai E&C (Vertiport), etc.

▲(K-UAM Dream Team) SKT (aviation), Hanwha Systems (traffic management), Korea Airports Corporation (Vertiport), etc.

▲(UAM Future Team): Kakao Mobility (Operation), LG U+ (Traffic Management), GS E&C (Vertiport), etc.

▲(Lotte Consortium): Mint Air (Aviation), Lotte Information & Communication (Traffic Management), Lotte Rental (Vertiport), etc.

▲(Daewoo E&C Jeju Air Consortium): Jeju Air (Operation), Daewoo E&C (Traffic Management/Vertiport), etc.

(Single Sector): Plana, Voltline (Aviation), Kencore, Rovigos, FineVT (Traffic Management)

Eo Myeong-so, 2nd Vice Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said, “Competition among leading countries to preoccupy the UAM market will become increasingly fierce, so it is most important for Korean companies to secure leadership in the global market.”

Among the seven consortiums participating in the integrated operation demonstration, the Korean Air-Incheon International Airport Corporation consortium will begin verification through localization development and integrated demonstration of the operating system of the operating company, traffic management company, and Vertiport.

For gas and operation, the personal autonomous airplane (OPPAV) developed by Korean Air and the Korea Air Research Institute will be used, and Incheon International Airport Corporation will be in charge of traffic management and vertiport.

The UAM combination consortium is a domestic small and medium-sized enterprise in the field of aviation and drones, and demonstrates the integrated operation of simulation software (S/W). For aircraft and flight, the City Air Mobility Industrial Technology Research Association uses the prosperity of Germany’s Autoflight, and Daboi & C and others take charge of the vertiport for traffic management and drone systems.

The Hyundai Motors-KT consortium demonstrates the establishment of a foundation for urban vertiport construction through UAM operation and traffic management service platforms and optimization of vertiport design. For aircraft and flight, Hyundai Motor Company and Korean Air use OPPAV, while KT builds traffic management and Hyundai E&C builds Vertiport.

The K-UAM Trim Team will provide a self-developed traffic management operating system and ‘T’ mobility linked service, build the world’s first 5G aerial network for UAM, and demonstrate 3D geographic information and urban weather forecasting.

For aircraft and flight, SKT uses Joby aviation of S4 of the United States, Hanwha Systems, etc. are in charge of traffic management, and Korea Airports Corporation is in charge of vertiport.

The UAM Future Team demonstrates integrated operation such as providing a 3D journey for future mobility based on MaaS platform-based customer propensity, intelligent traffic management centered on 5G communication, and entertainment service for passengers.

For aircraft and flight, Kakao Mobility uses VX4’s vertical aerospace in the UK, LG U+ and others manage traffic, and GS E&C builds Vertiport.

The Lotte Consortium is demonstrating seamless mobility service scenarios linked to self-driving shuttles and integrated operation in conjunction with Vertiport. Take this vertiport.

Lastly, the Daewoo E&C-Jeju Air consortium prepares the foundation for vertiport construction, such as reviewing the structure of the building, and demonstrates the complex development and smart city model for selecting the optimal vertiport location. Daewoo E&C and others build traffic management and Daewoo E&C build Vertiport.

In addition, in a single field, Plana, Voltline (aircraft and flight), Kenkoa, Rovigos, and Fine VT Robotics LAB (traffic management) will participate.

Each consortium and companies plan to demonstrate the stability of integrated operation among operators, traffic management operators, and Vertiport operators according to operating scenarios to be applied in the commercialization stage, and also measure noise to determine the range of access to the city center.

Although this Grand Challenge is later than the US and UK, which started in 2018 and 2020, respectively, overseas experts are evaluating it as a major demonstration project in the world. The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs expects that the Grand Challenge will bring together the excellent technologies of Korea and foreign advanced countries to create an arena of fierce competition.

In particular, the construction of a traffic management system using commercial communication networks such as 5G, the establishment of an integrated operating system based on the premise of commercialization, and the utilization of virtual integrated operating simulators are being promoted for the first time in the world, and foreign countries such as NASA are also interested in them. .

In addition, next year, through the second stage of the Grand Challenge, demonstration will begin in the city center (metropolitan area), and the United States, France, and the United Kingdom will also begin demonstration in the city center from next year.

In accordance with such an excellent demonstration environment, a large number of foreign aircraft, which are expected to be commercialized the fastest, will also participate in the Grand Challenge, and competition for pride among UAM aircraft manufacturing companies is expected to be fierce.

KODEF – Manned and Unmanned Combat System Construction and Response Direction Seminar

Manned and unmanned combat system construction and response direction seminar
1. Date: February 8, 2023 2:00 PM – 5:30 PM
2. Venue: 1st Small Conference Room, Members’ Hall
3. Hosted by: Shin Won-sik of the National Assembly Defense Committee
4. Supervised by : Korea Defense Security Forum, Defense Agency for Technology and Quality