K-UAM GC-1 | FineVT Traffic Management Consortium

Overview of K-UAM Grand Challenge

The K-UAM Grand Challenge (K-UAM GC) is a phased demonstration program in which UAM vehicle safety and traffic management function tests suitable for urban conditions and environments are integrated and operated to support the commercialization of UAM in 2025.

The Korean government set the goal of commercializing Korea Urban Air Mobility (K-UAM) in 2025 by the K-UAM Roadmap and released the K-UAM Concept of Operations 1.0, which will serve

as a guideline for the commercialization of Korean urban air mobility, and promote the plan for public-private joint demonstration project, the K-UAM Grand Challenge.

The K-UAM Grand Challenge will support for UAM commercialization and technology development by operational demonstrations based on the (K-UAM ConOps 1.0 and flight tests of aircraft and technologies under development.

The K-UAM Grand Challenge will be hosted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and organized by the Korean Aerospace Research Institute.

We ask those who are interested in the future of urban air mobility in Korea and the UAM Grand Challenge Korea program to actively participate.

Minister of Land Infrastructure and Transport

K-UAM Grand Challenge 

Participation field

K-GC is a demonstration of a new concept in urban transportation to prepare a Korean-style operational standard suitable for domestic weather and urban conditions of UAM. The purpose of this demonstration project is to confirm the safety of the UAM aircraft and to demonstrate their integrated operability. The K-GC is divided into three phases: the establishment of a demonstration environment in phase o (GC-0). the demonstration of a rural area in phase 1 (GC-1), and the demonstration of an urban area in phase 2 (GC-2).

This Request for participation is intended to encourage participants to participate in K-GC. Participants divided into UAM Aircraft/Air Operator, UAM Air Traffic Management, and Vertiport are required to perform K-GC. For details, refer to Chapter 4 and the annexes (Scenario, UAM Aircraft Air Operator, UAM Air Traffic Management, and Vertiport).

• UAM Aircraft/Air operator Participant : GC-1 flight (PIC) and UAM operator roles

•  UAM Air Traffic Management Participant: GC-1 flight support and UATMSP roles

•  Vertiport Participant: GC-1 flight support and VP operator roles, ground support cooperation