Mini Synthetic Aperture Radar

Mini-SAR (Miniature Synthetic Aperture Radar) is a small synthetic aperture radar used to obtain high-resolution images. It is installed on space probes, unmanned aerial vehicles, etc., and is used to observe the ocean surface and polar regions of the moon.

FineVT Robotics LAB Hybrid Fixed Wing VTOL UAV for search and rescue are designed to provide emergency responders with a versatile and efficient solution. Their range of different drone types, such as multi-rotor and VTOL UAV, enables them to navigate and operate effectively in various terrains, ranging from dense forests to urban environments.

Featuring an impressive flight time of up to 600 minutes and a range of up to 300km, these drones can cover large search areas quickly and efficiently. Our interchangeable and high-quality payloads allow for the customization of the drone’s capabilities, including thermal imaging, FANET, MANET, and QRNG communication systems.

1. The Mini SAR from FineVT Robotics LAB is small and lightweight, so it can be used on UAM aircraft or small aircraft.
2. The Mini SAR from FineVT Robotics LAB supports single, dual, and circular polarization.
3. The Mini SAR from FineVT Robotics LAB can obtain high-resolution images for military use.
4, The Mini SAR from FineVT Robotics LAB can be mounted on all types of unmanned aerial vehicles, including civilian and military.