Aerial 3D Map Production

Korea Land Information Corporation (LX), 3D map production for UAM

FineVT Robotics LAB and JOUAV have developed advanced surveying technologies such as Total Survey System and Network RTK to lead the construction of geospatial information business infrastructure & UAM Traffic Management and global aviation manufacturing.

FFW-015 + 5Way Camera (CA-503)
Goheung, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea Aircraft Test Airfield


Global ATM/ UAM R&D Alliance

FineVT Robotics LAB, Global ATM/ UAM R&D Alliance

1. FineVT Robotics LAB
2. ARX CO., Ltd.
4. Rohde & Schwarz Korea Ltd.

R&D and Consulting on UAM/UTM/ATM Navigation Communication Equipment and Navigation Information Platform & Participation in the K-UAM Grand Challenge (K-UAM GC) business joint consortium and consulting cooperation


Click >>> DOWN R&S UAM | Test solutions for safety and security in the new aviation era URBAN AIR MOBILITY

TTA UAM Forum (KOREA), FineVT Robotics LAB Oh Sejin Director elected chairman of the technical standard subcommittee

A “UAM Forum” has emerged in which industry-academic-research-government-gun participates and cooperates. Moon Woo-chun, chairman of the UAM Forum, was appointed as chairman.

UAM refers to urban air mobility and is attracting attention as a means to solve traffic problems in the city, such as cargo drones and air taxis.

The inaugural meeting, which was held from 2 p.m. on the 3rd with the conference room of the Daejeon headquarters of the Korea Railroad Corporation and an online Zoom meeting, was organized by the Korea Unmanned Mobile Research Association and the Korea Information and Communication Technology Association.

On this day, 150 people, including 50 offline and 100 online, participated, including public-demand institutions, research institutes, universities, and forum members. Choi Myung-jin, chairman of KRAUV, gave a welcoming speech, and Kim Seung-ho, head of the Korea Aerospace Research Institute, gave a congratulatory speech.

As a founding seminar, Oh Kyung-ryun, a senior researcher at Hangwooyeon, announced the theme of “Activities and Standardization Trends for Implementing the K-UAM Roadmap” and Jeon Jung-kyu, head of Hanwha System, presented the theme of “UAM Industry Overview and Trends.”

Moon Woo-chun, chairman of the UAM Forum Promotion Committee, was elected as the chairman of the UAM Forum. Plans for future projects and forum rules were also announced.

The “UAM Forum” is a UAM-related standardization consultative body in which industry-academic-research-government-gun participates and cooperates. We intend to enhance synergy by organically operating divisions consisting of various stakeholders in the UAM ecosystem (technical standards, service-ecosystem standards, standardization policy-cooperation).

At the same time, the ‘UAM Forum’ is determined to establish a standardized ecosystem based on the UAM platform and secure global standardization leadership.

UAM Forum, Yoo Geum-sik, deputy director of Korea Airports Corporation, and Jeon In-soo, director of Incheon International Airport Corporation, were appointed as vice chairmen of the forum. The audit was conducted by Kim Jang-hwan, head of the Korea Aerospace Research Institute, and Oh Kyung-ryun, a doctor at the Korea Aerospace Research Institute.

Oh Se-jin, head of Fine VT Robotics LAB, was appointed as the chairman of the technical standard subcommittee, SK Telecom (undecided) as the subcommittee of service ecosystem standards, and Kim Jae-woo, head of Korean Air, as the subcommittee of standardization policy cooperation.