Counter UAS

ANRA and partners win FAA contract to trial network remote ID messaging

ANRA Technologies has announced it has won a contract to demonstrate the ability to collect, aggregate and retransmit Broadcast Remote ID (B-RID) messages. ANRA will convert these B-RID messages to Network Remote ID (N-RID) messages that can be shared in the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Service Supplier (USS) Network. This FAA-funded project will test and validate advanced air traffic management functions for UAS to safely operate in conformance with the FAA Remote Identification Final Rule requiring remote identification of uncrewed aircraft in the United States airspace.

According to the company, for widespread and scalable UAS Traffic Management (UTM) deployment, USS will need the ability to track their drones and other air traffic (both crewed and uncrewed) across long distances to manage operations and prevent collisions. This project will demonstrate a remote identification solution composed of B-RID transmitters and field networked RID receivers to communicate broadcasted messages amongst a federated and integrated UTM network.

“In partnership with Nevada Autonomous, Nevada’s designated Unmanned Aircraft Systems Test Site managed by the University of Nevada, Reno, and uAvionix, ANRA will deploy B-RID equipped drones and field ground-based N-RID receivers to demonstrate the ability to collect, aggregate and re-transmit B-RID data converted to N-RID data that can be shared in the USS Network,” said a press release. “The network will then process these messages, notionally termed B+N RID messages, to make them discoverable within the federated USS network.

Key objectives of this project include:

  • Determining methods for combining the B-RID messages with N-RID messages using cloud-based software applications and purpose-built B-RID Nodes deployed in the localized area.
  • Demonstrating new use cases for public safety, law enforcement, and crewed aircraft entities enabled through aggregated RID data that can be shared on the USS network.
  • Exploring crewed aircraft operator utilization of B-RID messages for increased situational awareness in the National Airspace (NAS).
  • Support the direct receipt of B-RID on a smartphone application without needing a network as a fundamental capability.

“The outcomes of this project will be foundational to enabling more advanced UTM functions. With B-RID information in the cloud, new use cases will emerge to support historical, real-time and predictive uses from commercial UAS operators, USS, public safety and law enforcement stakeholders.”

For more information

Nevada Autonomous


IIAC COUNTER-UAS System FAT, FineVT Robotics Lab, Sejin Oh 2020

Anti-Drone (Counter-UAS) Solution In Korea In the private sector, Incheon Airport is the first installation in Korea as a pilot project.

Perhaps, starting with Incheon International Airport, we know that we are preparing to introduce not only domestic and international hub airports, but also various institutions in Korea.

The ongoing project is currently installing anti-drone (Counter-UAS) solutions for anti-navigation purposes and protection of Incheon International Airport.

In the process of introducing anti-drone, there are still many problems that need to be solved.

The Open Platform C2

For example, it is necessary to use a variety of equipment such as radar, data communication, and jammer, so it is necessary to inspect and prepare related parts while actually installing necessary parts in Korea, such as legal, radio, and operating environments.

Currently, we are making efforts to solve various problems in which the project is legally insufficient or needs to be revised in the future by sharing information on installation to various related organizations.

In addition to counter-terrorism work, this pilot project also serves as the purpose of establishing standards in the licensed areas related to legislation, legislation, or installation and operation.

In order to make the final FAT of the equipment used here, we are going to visit the factories of U.S. local system integration, AI engine, H / W and S / W manufacturers for a long time, to finish successfully and return to Korea.

Layered Defense

FineVT Robotics Lab (FRL), which I am the head of the research institute, collaborated with Incheon International Airport Corporation as a partner company of Incheon International Airport Corporation for basic design-technical support, process technology consulting, and subsequent upgrading We are working jointly for business success.

FineVT Robotics Lab where I belong and I have an anti-drone equipment and solution specialized agency and NDA in most foreign countries, so I have a high-level DB in Korea, and based on this, consulting and technical support to operating organizations such as ordering, government / military / organization Consulting is in progress.

BST Base Solution

In addition, we have product information provision and equipment installation / maintenance / hardware and software instruction support.

Since anti-drones are in the field of protection or security, the data of most operating institutions or manufacturers are not officially read, so even if you tell an imaginary story with words that are brainfiscal, the part where the demand or related organizations can be deceived. Seems to have to be vigilant.

From the time when others weren’t interested, I felt a lot when I was conducting research and research on anti-drone-related technologies with US military and overseas defense specialists. It was also surprising that many dozens of self-proclaimed experts write their papers by citing the dome, and that there are many people who are self-proclaimed experts in the country without actually using or training equipment or having any related publicity.

As I have a lot of interest, it seems to have side effects.

We are working hard to make a small help or guide in this area, so please ask for a lot of help and advice.

Although Corona suffered a lot of trouble in the United States when he came to the United States during the outbreak, it was an opportunity to surprise and admire the passion of Incheon International Airport Corporation (IIAC) and related companies.