Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport begins full-scale use of K-UAM GC-2 aerial guidance as a demonstration project in preparation for UAM commercialization in 2025

The aerial map dedicated to UAM reflects the metropolitan area route where the second-stage UAM demonstration project will be carried out, major obstacles such as high-voltage lines and steel towers, flight restrictions and prohibited areas, and building height information.

The front of the map contains seven vertiports (vertical take-off and landing pads) in the metropolitan area and the entire verification route, and the back of the map enlarges the three routes, Ara Waterway, Han River, and Tancheon, so that detailed routes can be seen.

Last June, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport formed a ‘National Design Team’ involving the Ministry of National Defense, local governments, and the private sector and has been promoting the production of customized aerial maps.

User opinions were fully reflected in terms of information, color, and design, and the optimal map scale was applied to improve the visibility, readability, and completeness of the map.

Currently, the first phase of the Korean UAM demonstration project is underway in Goheung, Jeollanam-do.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport plans to begin the second stage of verification in the metropolitan area from July next year after verifying UAM technology in non-urban areas.

Starting today, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport plans to sequentially distribute 300 UAM-specific aerial maps to organizations such as the Ministry of National Defense, local governments, and the Korea Drone Utilization Association, and allow anyone to download them through the integrated aviation information management system to utilize them in the second stage of the demonstration project.

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